Monday, October 27, 2008

October 27, 2008

October 27, 2008

Dear Friend,
Have I ever told you how beautiful the nightlife is? It would be impossible, but I’ll try. Every light in the entire city is glowing. Couples walk and hold hands, as musicians play their sweet songs. Horse drawn carriages parade about the street, inviting lovers for a ride through the town. You see every kind of people; clubbers, diners, beggars, and so many more. The lights wrapped on the light posts illuminate the sidewalks and make you feel as if you’re walking on Dorothy’s yellow brick road. Life embraces you with each step you take. And if ever you get the feeling the night may be coming to an end, look around the corner, because the city never sleeps.
My “glory days” have yet to come. I am positive though that the first time I deliver a baby, these days will begin. I can imagine myself in the delivery room; my hands are just about to embrace life as mom pushes harder and harder each time. I can hear myself saying, “That’s it, almost there. Just a few more really good pushes.” It’s going to be awesome. I get excited just holding babies. To actually be the one who brings the little guy into the world would be such an honor. And not just the first time, but for every time I deliver a baby.
I’m always surprised when my mom and I begin Christmas shopping at the end of summer and still find ourselves doing last minute shopping two days before Christmas Day. It’s like no matter how far in advanced you start, there is still more shopping to do. During Christmas, my family likes to open presents from each other on Christmas Eve, and then stockings and presents from “Santa” on Christmas morning. This year is going to be a little different. You see my family is moving to Germany on Wednesday and its going to be just me and my Oma, my grandma, this year. I’m sure I’ll have fun with her, but it’s definitely going to be a change from what I’m used to. In past years, my Opa, my grandpa, used to come for every Christmas and stay through half of February. He passed away a little over a year ago. Missing him from our family put a damper on Christmas last year. I can still picture him sitting on the couch until my mom would call him to come cut the ham. He used to be a chef, and for every time we had a huge dinner, he was in charge of the meat. He used to complain to me about how I would ruin my meat by cooking it longer. I can’t stand the sight of blood, but for him, the bloodier it was the better. I miss him and I’m going to miss my family too.

Love always,

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